Well we're in Trinidad now. We took our flight from Suriname this morning at about 6 am meanin we had to wake up at 2'30 to get there on time. We didnt really have any problems at the air port except that they took my (josiah's) bug spray, which I was very pleased to give them as long as they let me on the plane.
Our flight was only an hour and a half. We caught a cab and he took us to our hotel which was an hour a way. I guess we were all expecting a nice big american style hotel with a pool but it turned out to be just a hole in the wall... well, actually its pretty nice. we would recommend the Forty Winks to anyone! It's like a renovated house inthe middle of down town that was turned into a little hotel. The service is excellent.
So we finished off our trip yesterday with church, a day at the beach and a birthday party. we learned this game called Jewel. no body ever wins in that game... You basically make four squares in the sand and theres two teams. one team is on the lines trying to tag the other team who is trying to get to the other side. We had fun. plus the suriname river is brown and full of nasty things like condoms and old beer cans. no body actually swims in it. BUT WE DID! some people actually do swim in it but you get very mucky. If you ever wanna go swimming in South America go to Tobago. we hear they have awesome beaches. but of course we had fun there too!
We said our goodbyes and gave hugs then we went to bed cuz we were pooped!
This short trip has been really IMPACTful for us and we know it has been IMPACTful for the people we met in Suriname. We hope to continue the relationships we built there. We've learned how to work with eachother, we experienced the cultures and the church abroad and we have learn a lot about our selves too, I learned I could probably preach a sermon if I wanted, mike learned that through proper communication we in a group could work a lot better together, and Ryan learned how to interact with a new culture and some of the unwriten cultural rules that go with a different culture like the hostess doesnt eat with her guests beacuse she is keepin the meal running smoothly, always leave a household item as a gift and a blessing and if someone offers you somthing you accept it without hesitation.
Thank you for your prayers and your support of this programe at CLBI. We hope that you will continue to support this programe in the future because we three dudes think God really uses this programe to stretch us and to explore his will for our lives.
Many blessings to you! youre all awesome and we love you. God bless.
From Josiah, Ryan and Michael!
We'll send you a message when we get back home. PEACE.
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